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Privacy Policy
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Welcome to this website, a service of World Exhibition Ltd. and its subsidiaries (collectively, "WorldExh"). This statement describes the privacy practices we use on this website, including
     the categories of personally identifiable information about you that may be collected and how that information is used;
     the categories of persons or entities with whom the information may be shared;
     the choices that are available to you regarding collection, use, and distribution of the information you provide;
     how you can opt in or out of WorldExh promotional e-mail;
     the kind of security procedures that are in place to protect the loss, misuse or alteration of information;
     how you can review and request changes to the information; and
     how we notify visitors and users of this website of changes to this privacy statement
Questions regarding this statement should be directed to World Exhibition Ltd. through one of the Contact Us forms you will find on the website.


What kind of personally identifiable information do we collect?
WorldExh collects two types of information from this website: (1) information voluntarily supplied by visitors to and users of the website, and (2) tracking information recorded as visitors and users navigate through the website. Some of this information is personally identifiable information (for example, your name, address, telephone number, and e-mail address), but much of it is not. Personally identifiable information is information that identifies a particular person.

To make use of some features on our website, visitors and users need to register and provide certain information as part of the registration process. We may ask, for example, for your name, e-mail address, street address, zip code, and, company name. The information you supply may be needed to complete the particular function of the website you are interacting with, or may help us to offer you more personalized features, to make the website more useful to you. If you agree, our systems will remember some of this information the next time you log in and use our website by installing a cookie on your computer, but you can always review and change your information.

The more you tell us about yourself, the more value we can offer you. Supplying this information is entirely voluntary. When you submit any personally identifiable information over this website, WorldExh (i) may use the information for the purposes described at the time you submit it and (ii) may use the information to contact you to make you aware of other products and services of interest. Of course, if you want to remain completely anonymous, you're still free to take advantage of the publicly available content on our website without registration.

With whom do we share personally identifiable information?
We respect your privacy and consider the personally identifiable information you provide to be confidential. In order to serve you more effectively we may sometimes disclose personally identifiable information about you to our affiliates or to others who work for us, or in response to subpoenas, court orders or legal process, or to establish or exercise our legal rights or defend against legal claims.

What do we do with website data?
To help make our website more responsive to the needs of our users and visitors, we use a standard feature of browser software called a "cookie." WorldExh uses session-based cookies to track the pages on our website visited by our users. We can build a better website if we know which pages our users are visiting and how often. Certain non-personally identifiable information about visitors to this website is recorded. This information is used primarily to tailor and enhance visitors' experience using the website. We may use this information in an aggregate, non-personally identifiable form to, among other things, measure the use of our website and determine which products and sections are the most popular with website visitors.

Where can visitors and users go to opt in or out of WorldExh promotional e-mail?
You may choose to receive, or not receive, promotional e-mails about WorldExh's products and services by going to the Internet web page located at https://www.worldexh.com/jj/ and following the instructions there.

Other Websites
To make our website more valuable to our visitors, we may offer some features in conjunction with other companies. Our website may also include links to other websites whose privacy policies and practices we don't control. Once you leave our website by linking to another one (you can tell where you are by checking the address --known as a URL-- in the location bar on your browser), use of any information you provide is governed by the privacy policy of the operator of the website you're visiting. That policy may differ from ours. If you can't find the privacy policy of any of these websites via a link from the site's homepage, you should contact the website directly for more information.

All information gathered on our website is stored within a database accessible only to WorldExh. However, as effective as any security measure implemented by WorldExh may be, no security system is impenetrable. We cannot guarantee the complete security of our database, nor can we guarantee that information you supply won't be intercepted while being transmitted to us over the Internet. If you don't want us to know any particular information about you, don't include it in anything that you submit or post to this website or send to us in e-mail.

Changes to Information
You may review and change information that you provide to us through this website by returning to the pages where you entered it, and reviewing or changing the information directly.

Changes to this Privacy Statement
We may change this privacy statement from time to time. If we change this privacy statement at some point in the future, we'll post the changes on our website. By continuing to use the website after we post any changes, you accept and agree to this privacy statement, as modified.

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