明升mansion88 screen.width-333)this.width=screen.width-333"> screen.width-333)this.width=screen.width-333"> 明升mansion88成立于2004年3月,总部设在制造业集中的佛山顺德--其中包括龙江及乐从的家具业、伦教的木工机械和玻璃机械业、容桂的家电、五金业和灯饰业。许多中国著名企业的总部均设在此,如美的、科龙、容声、东菱、格兰仕等,区内有中小型企业2万余家。此外,顺德紧靠中山、南海、东莞,皆是全国中小型企业的集中地。优越的地理位置以及庞大的企业资源,使得我司自成立伊始便迅速发展。 我司主营国际会展和跨国采购等业务,下设国际会展部、国际商务部、电子商务部、海外广告部、市场部和客户服务部,旨在为各地中小型企业提供最贴心和优质的服务。我们在顺德大良、顺德龙江、佛山市禅城区、中山和东莞均设有代表处,并通过参加海外展览和电子商务平台,组织当地企业拓展海外市场。本公司一直坚持专业化、国际化的发展方向,秉承遵循市场导向、关注企业需求、完善客户服务的原则,在业内赢得了良好声誉。佛山明升mansion88公司将继续竭诚为企业提供专业化、规范化全方位的服务,为满足珠三角企业对拓展海外市场的需求而努力。 在此3年间,我们取得如下成绩: (一)响应顺德区府全力支持企业拓展海外市场的精神,在联合国采购注册供应商项目里,共组织了顺德250多家企业成功注册。 (二)与广东省对外经济贸易企业协会合作,共组织了3次对外贸培训班。 (三)组织30余家企业参加海外专业展览,并多次组织区内企业参加海外家具展、木工机械展等的商务考察活动 (四)企业在办理进出口经营权手续,要经过多个政府部门,包括经贸局、工商局、国地税、组织机构代码变更、外贸局、海关等部门,在此期间,我们共为41家企业办理全部手续。 (五)根据顺德企业意见,在《珠江商报》2005年11月16日的企业与传媒座谈会上,提出了多项意见,并得到报社商务专刊吴主编的肯定,初步拟定2006年合作的意向,包括共同筹组2006年广东省(顺德)首届理财展览会和2006年“广东(顺德)首届中小型企业开拓海外市场推介日”活动。 (六)07年4月参加中国医疗器械国际化论坛-主题 “让中国医疗器械走向世界”,作为演讲嘉宾在会上就联合国采购进行了主题演讲和讨论。 (七)07年5月,与佛山顺德龙江镇政府经发办合作,在龙江镇政府大楼协助举行了“联合国采购注册及应标(龙江)推介会”,帮助龙江企业通过联合国走向国际化。 公司历程 2004年 3月成立 注册号:4406812014319 3月组织马来西亚新加坡家具展观展活动,参加企业有:飞马家具、鸵岛钉业、社群石材家具、美化家私、金叶家具、华丰家具共20余人。 screen.width-333)this.width=screen.width-333"> 新马家具商务考察团 6月英国对外贸易展 参加企业:顺德嘉明燃气具有限公司 12月广东产品(越南)展览会 参加企业有:佛山市顺德区奇利电器实业有公司、佛山市顺德区陈村镇顺菱制冷厨用设备厂、佛山市顺德区大良恒信五金制品厂、佛山市顺德缔日电器有限公司、顺德科士达门业有限公司。 screen.width-333)this.width=screen.width-333"> screen.width-333)this.width=screen.width-333"> 顺菱在越南参展 顺菱老总在展会合影 screen.width-333)this.width=screen.width-333"> screen.width-333)this.width=screen.width-333"> 科士达 奇利 12月2004中国商品(印度孟买)展览会参加企业有:广东顺德松田电器制造有限公司、佛山市顺德缔日电器有限公司、佛山市顺德区天估实业有限公司。 2005年12月 中东迪拜春季展 参加企业有:中山市万雄卫厨制品有限公司。 组织顺德注册成为联合国采购供应商,共有68家企业由我们注册的。名单(详见我公司网站) 与广东对外贸易协会合作开办了三堂对外贸易课程。 screen.width-333)this.width=screen.width-333"> 培训场所顺德党校前留影 screen.width-333)this.width=screen.width-333"> 与广东对外贸易协会合作开办了三堂对外贸易课程留影。 2006年组织了212家成功注册成为联合国采购供应商。到此时为止共组织280家企业注册。 6月成立国际商务部,由澳洲昆士兰大学硕士研究生负责管理,帮助中小型企业拓展海外市场。 4月成功与英国ITE展览集团签订合作协议。 3月成功与香港迅通展览公司(上市公司)签订协议,负责越南木工机械展的广东招展工作。 9月组织顺德新马氏木工机械到越南参加木工机械展。 9月组织顺德木工机械行业参加俄罗斯木工机械商务考察。 9月组织俄罗斯木工机械商务考察活动 10月组织了恒发五金、龙江鸵岛钉业、勒流家具织带厂参加圣彼得堡家具展 screen.width-333)this.width=screen.width-333"> 在俄罗斯展馆留影 screen.width-333)this.width=screen.width-333"> 与俄罗斯木工机械商会会长合照 screen.width-333)this.width=screen.width-333"> 与俄罗斯三大木工机械代理商晚宴 2007年 2月组织中山万雄参加俄罗斯4月中国的Mosbuild展。 3月组织佛山市顺德区陈村镇顺菱制冷厨用设备厂参加俄罗斯酒店用品展。 3月佛山禅城代表处成立,办公地址为佛山华远东路38号发展大厦25楼I室 4月组织中山市万雄卫厨制品有限公司等企业参加俄罗斯Mosbuild建材展。 4月11日应中国医疗器械协会的邀请参加中国第57届医疗器械展国际论坛 screen.width-333)this.width=screen.width-333"> 中国第57届医疗器械展论坛我司副总经理做主题演讲 4月龙江办事处成立,主力组织龙江、乐从、三水、禅城家具企业参展。11月7家家具企业将前往俄罗斯参加俄罗斯家具展,包括:诺佳、联丰、宝神、南洋、长鑫、阿的高、裕德。共18人参加(包括顺德家具协会秘书长李步新) 5月25日在顺德龙江镇政府举办联合国注册推介会上作为主讲嘉宾参见该次大会。 5月组织科乐和中山康旺参加中东迪拜家电、五金、灯饰展;出版第一期《中国家电》 screen.width-333)this.width=screen.width-333"> 康旺参展人员与迪拜酋长合影(中酋长手持我司《中国家电》杂志) screen.width-333)this.width=screen.width-333"> 中东迪拜佛山世博展团留影(右一:世博余总。右三:康旺李总,右四:科乐罗总) 6月《中国家电》俄英版在该展免费派发。
7月与俄罗斯木工机械展、马来西亚木工机械展、意大利木工机械展、波兰木工机械展。中东迪拜木工机械展、印度木工机械展签订代理招展协议、与马来西亚家具展、马来西亚家居展、俄罗斯家具展签订代理招展协议 9月成立展览工程部,聘请香港著名展览公司专业从业人员专责、国内以及海外参展商的展览工程服务。 9月组织5家木工机械企业参展和13家企业观展共37人参加越南木工机械展,《珠江商报》记者吕敬新先生专程跟踪采访报道。 screen.width-333)this.width=screen.width-333"> 顺德光头木工机械周总正在向客人介绍机械设备的特点 screen.width-333)this.width=screen.width-333"> 我司组织参加07越南木工机械展观展团于酒店合影留念 screen.width-333)this.width=screen.width-333"> 佛山顺德骏杰木工机械有限公司正在参展 10月参加广东顺德家电博览会作为在场的少数的与中小型企业相关的服务和解决方案供应商,希望借此展览平台推进业务起飞,并达致双赢的局面。 screen.width-333)this.width=screen.width-333"> 10月我司参加顺德国际家用电器博览会 screen.width-333)this.width=screen.width-333"> 我司余总经理与佛山会展业协会郑秘书长在展位上洽谈 2008年2月28日到3月3日,组织了6家木工机械企业,共9人赴印度对2008印度木工机械展进行了商务考察. screen.width-333)this.width=screen.width-333"> 广州健驰合顺木工机械展会现场,吸引了不少当地的经销商和买家。 screen.width-333)this.width=screen.width-333"> 新马正在与JAI INDUSTRIES 进行商谈。 screen.width-333)this.width=screen.width-333"> 泓信机械制造的VINCENT 在跟JAI 台湾代理商谈。 screen.width-333)this.width=screen.width-333"> 2008年佛山世博参展团合照 screen.width-333)this.width=screen.width-333"> 2008年印度木工机械 screen.width-333)this.width=screen.width-333"> 2008年3月4-8日,全球家具行业的一大盛事、全球十大家具展览――马来西亚国际家具展(MIFF)在吉隆坡拉开帷幕。本年度的展会为期5天,分设马来西亚外贸促进局会展中心(MECC)以及吉隆坡太子贸易中心(PWTC)两个展馆,展出面积达80,000平方米,向马来西亚本土以及海外卖家展示了家具及其边缘产业的新趋势。本届展会共有接近400家海内外展商,迎来了接近19,000m位卖家。国际访客分别来自欧洲、东盟、大洋洲、中东、远东以及美洲。 作为展会的组展单位之一,佛山明升mansion88组织了高要市鸿力金属制品厂、佛山市顺德区凯利达气弹簧有限公司、源兴五金厂(高要)、佛山市顺德区迈豪美家具有限公司(龙江)、佛山市顺德区广益联家具有限公司(龙江)、钜蕾(东俊)五金制造厂、恒发五金等家具企业参展/观展,随行人数达30人,展出面积约100平方米。纵观一连五天的展会,光临顺德企业摊位的卖家均表现出对顺德家具浓厚的兴趣以及信心。据了解,展会结束以后,已有外国客商主动联系顺德的参展企业,安排实地考察。 与往年相比,本届马来西亚家具展的参展人数和观展人数都在改变。 screen.width-333)this.width=screen.width-333"> 上图:佛山市顺德区广益联家具有限公司摊位现场 screen.width-333)this.width=screen.width-333"> 佛山市顺德区凯利达气弹簧有限公司 screen.width-333)this.width=screen.width-333"> 部分展商合影 screen.width-333)this.width=screen.width-333"> 2008年4月CEM 俄罗斯家用电器以及消费电子展组织了16个人员(共6家广东参展商. 部门简介 海外会展部:代理海外知名展览,展品运输, 特装服务; 国际商务部:提供中国产品采购,跨国采购,物流(集货,报关,运输),翻译,联合国采购应标,贸易咨询,涉外法律顾问,帮助中小企业拓展海外市场服务等; 电子商务部:排版印刷海外广告杂志,广告杂志电子版网上推广; 客户服务部:联合国供应商注册,签证,安排商务考察,协助企业申报中小企业海外市场开拓资金,外国展位费退税。 展览工程部:展览工程设计.制作.展览广告制作.工艺装璜.展具租赁.展具加工. 标准展位改装工程. Company Profile Foshan World Exhibition Co., Ltd is a professional business promotion agency on large-scale and high quality international exhibition and an expert in exhibition service. The HQ is situated in Daliang, Shunde, and the Chancheng, Foshan Branch was set up on March, 2007.
Our company all along aims at professional and international development direction, and takes the principle of following the marketing orientation, paying all attention to the enterprises’ need, improving the customers’ service. For the years’ effort, we have been building up a high reputation in the industry. Foshan World Exhibition Co., Ltd will keep on providing professional, comprehensive and standardizational services for the enterprises in Pearl River Delta, to develop their oversea markets. Our main businesses are: 1) as agent for famous international exhibitions, assist the enterprises who want to develop the oversea markets. 2) Assist the enterprises to register as the supplier of U.N procurement. 3) Deputize for Import Export Management Right.4) Organize international business opportunity visit 5) Assist the SME apply for exploiting oversea market fund in China. 6) Deputize for insurance of Export Credit and International Transportation. The legal representative Mr. Thomas Yu of our company usually leads enterprises of Shunde and Zhongshan to participate in different fairs in different business areas, for example, light, electric appliance, furniture, woodworking, glass mechanism, building material, toy, shoe, and textile and so on .He knows much about how to exploit the oversea market for manufacturers. Our company provides more professional and relative service for enterprises. Till July 2007, FOSHAN WORLD EXHIBITION CO., LTD has been established for more than 3 years. During this period, we have got many achievements and the business is developing quickly. Our service tenet is: Clients first, quality first. In these 3 years, the achievement we obtain is hereinafter: 1) in answer to spirit of Shunde Government support the enterprise to exploit the oversea market. We have organized 250 Enterprises in the Shunde area to register successfully UN procurement project. 2) Cooperate with the Guangdong Economic and Trade Institute, and organized several Trading Training Classes for the enterprises. 3) Organize ten enterprises to take part in professional oversea exhibitions. 4) We have assisted 41 enterprises to transact the procedure of import and export managerial authority, whose procedures are really complicated. 5) According to the points from Shunde Enterprises, We have given some suggestions for Enterprise and Media Conference in Zhujiang Business Newspaper on 16 NOV. 2005. We cooperated with them, arranged the first Financing Exhibition in Shunde Guangdong. The exhibitions we have ever cooperated with the organizers are: 2003 Singapore, Malaysia International Furniture Fair JUN 2004 China Fair 2004-England Trade and Investment Fair SEP 2004 The 3rd Guangdong(China) Product (Vietnam) Fair DEC 2004 The 2ND China Product (Bombay of India) JAN 2005 COLOGNE (GERMANY) International Furniture Fair(IMM) APR 2005 COLOGNE( GERMANY) International Woodworking Machine And Furniture Accessories Fair (INTERZUM) MAY 2005 Middle-East DUBAI Ineternational Home Appliance And Houseware Fair(HOUSEWARE & HOMETECH) MAY 2005 MILAN ITALY International Electric and Electric Technology Fair JUL 2005 CHINA Mechanical(VITMA) Fair OCT 2006 6TH Vietnam International Woodworking Industry Fair APR 2007 Mosbuild 2007 MAR 2007 Hotelexpo 2007 MAY 2007 Hardware and Tools Middle East MAY 2007 Hometech Middle East SEP 2007 7TH Vietnam International Woodworking Industry Fair (150m2 sold via our company) NOV 2007 Mebel 2007 (150m2 sold via our company) FEB 2008 Dubai Woodshow 2008 MAR 2008 India Wood 2008 MAR 2008 Singapore Furniture Fair 2008 We have assisted to arrange the bellowing enterprises for fair and business investments: 1. SUN ELECTRICAL CO., LTD (Shunde ,Guangdong Province) (The 2nd China Product ( BOMBAY INDIA) Fair) 2. XUETELIANG ELECTRONIC CO.,LTD (Shunde,Foshan City) (The 2nd CHINA Product ( Bombay of India) Fair) 3.SHUN-LING REFRIGERATION EQUIPMENT FACTORY (Chenchun, refrigeration equitment factory(Chencun, Shunde, Foshan city) ( The 3rd Guangdong(China) product (Vietnam) Fair)) 4. F.S.D furniture CO., LTD (Lechong,Shunde, Foshan city) (COLOGNE (GERMANY) International Furniture Fair(IMM)) 5. XINYIYE Tape Weaving CO., LTD (Huanglian, Shunde ,Foshan City) (Nov 2005 Middle-east DUBAI International Furniture Fair) 6. TUODAO Nail Manufacture (Shunde, Foshan City) (Nov 2005 Middle-east DUBAI International Furniture Fair) 7. HENFA Ironware Manufacture CO., LTD (Shunde ,Foshan City) (Nov 2005 The 25th (FRANCE) PAIRS International Building Material and Equipment Fair (BATIMAT) ) 8. ZHIHAO Furniture CO., LTD (Shunde ,Foshan city) (APR 2005 COLOGNE (GERMANY) International Woodworking Machine and Furniture Accessories Fair (INTERZUM) ) 9. JINFULI Furniture CO.,LTD ( Paisha ,Longjiang, Shunde, foshan city) (APR 2005 COLOGNE (GERMANY) International Woodworking Machine and Furniture Accessories Fair (INTERZUM) ) 10. ZHONGTAI ZHIYE Furniture CO., LTD (Shunde ,Foshan city) (APR 2005 COLOGNE (GERMANY) International Woodworking Machine and Furniture Accessories Fair (INTERZUM) ) 11. OUYASHI Illumination Electric Apparatus CO., LTD (Shunde ,Foshan city) (Nov 2005 ARGENTINA International Illuminate and Building Material Fair(light+building) ) 12. HENXIN Hardware Product Factory ( Daliang, Shunde ,Foshan city) (Nov 2005 the 25th (FRANCE) PAIRS International Building Material and Equipment Fair (BATIMAT) ) 13. WANXIONG Kitchenware Manufacture CO.,LTD (Zhongshan city) (middle-east dubai ineternational home appliance and home houseware fair(housewear and hometech) ) 14. DIRI Electric CO.,LTD (Shunde ,Foshan city) (the 2nd China product (Bombay of India) ) 15. Ideal Sanitary Ware CO.,LTD (Shunde ,Foshan city) ((Nov 2005 the 25th (France ) Pairs International Building Material and Equipment Fair (BATIMAT) ) 16. Clipley Electrical Industrial CO., LTD (Shunde ,Foshan city) (the 2nd China product (Bombay of India) ) We took part in Marketing Promotion Project of the Supplier of U.N Purchase which organized by Shunde Government on Mar 2005.Up till now, we have successfully helped 250 enterprises register in the global market system. Hereinafter take 25 of them for reference: 1. Hualun Textile Industrial CO., LTD (Guangdong) 2. Baishun Electric CO., LTD(Leliu,Shunde,Foshan city) 3. Huarun Electric Manufacture CO., LTD( Shunde ,Foshan city) 4. Yide Electric Appliance CO.,LTD (Shunde ,Foshan city) 5. Keneng Industrial Company CO.,LTD (Shunde ,Foshan city) 6. Qiao Electric CO.,LTD (Shunde ,Foshan city) 7. Donlin Electric CO.,LTD (Leliu,Shunde,Foshan city) 8. Baoliya Aluminum and Plastic Complex Material CO.,LTD (Shunde ,Foshan city) 9. Xinbao Electrical Equipment CO., LTD (Shunde ,Foshan city) 10. Clipley Electrical Industrial CO., LTD (Shunde ,Foshan city) 11. Croso Electrical Industrial CO., LTD (Shunde ,Foshan city) 12. Songye Electrical Appliance Manufacture CO., LTD (Guangdong) 13. Baotian Furniture CO., LTD (Shunde ,Foshan city) 14. Henye Furniture CO.,LTD(Shunde ,Foshan city) 15. Benbang Electrical CO., LTD(Shunde ,Foshan city) 16. Xiangye CO., LTD(Shunde ,Foshan city) 17. Henguang Electrical Appliance CO.,LTD (Shunde ,Foshan city) 18. Jinli Electric CO., LTD (Guangdong) 19. Jian’s Household Electrical Appliances Manufactory (Shunde ,Foshan city) 20. Junye Electric CO., LTD (Shunde ,Foshan city) 21. Damin Enterprise Groud CO., LTD (Shunde ,Foshan city) 22. Fuland Chemical CO., LTD (Shunde ,Foshan city) 23. Huakang Ironware Electric CO.,LTD (Shunde ,Foshan city) 24. China –Forever Electric CO., LTD(Shunde ,Foshan city) 25. Tongan Woodworking Machinery Manufacture (Shunde ,Foshan city) Departments Introduction: Int’l Exhibition Dept.: Agent service for famous exhibitions abroad, exhibits transportation, display decoration service; Int’l Business Dept.: SOURCING, Import management ,Order placement ,Coordinate quarantine requirements, Arrange freight forwarding documents, International Goods transportation, Liaise with suppliers (inside China), Translation and interpreting, Trading consulting services. E-business Dept.: Oversea Advertisement Magazines, on-line promotion. Customer Service Dept.: VISA preparation, BIZ VISIT arrangement. Exhibition Decoration & Engineering Dept.: Booth design and build up, exhibition advertisement design, decoration. |