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Kinds of Visas


In China, there are 5 common visas: X visa, L visa, F visa, Z Visa and Residence permit.X visa, namely student visa, is issued for foreigners to study in Chinese schools or universities .L visa, namely tourist or visitor visa, is issued for foreigners to travel or visit in China.F visa, namely business visa, is issued for foreigners to visit China for business.Z visa, namely work visa, is issued for foreigners to work in China.Residence permit, namely work visa. In 2005, work visa is renamed as residence permit. From then on, the visa for foreigners to work in China is residence permit.Holders of any of the five types can stay in China, but the limits they meet differ with each other. Though you may find them quite annoying, I describe their limits one by one now.
Holders of X visa are not allowed to work during this study period in China and they have to leave China after graduation.holders of L visa are not allowed to work in China and thay must leave China after 1 year from the day of entering .holders of F visa are not allowed to work in China and thay must leave China after 1 year from the day of entering .holders of Z visa or residence permit can work and live in China permanently without any limits.


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